Harvest Moon Secrets
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Harvest Moon 64 Secrets
ELLI'S GRANDMA - If you don't talk to Elli's grandma(the one in the rocking chair near the bakery) she'll die. There's no point in doing so, just everybody's gotta go sometime.

HUNGRY MAN - Have food on the 17th of Spring (horse race). On the 18th, a hungry man will be outside your house-- if you leave the farm then he'll leave so feed him a crop or something from the mountain, you picked earlier.

FLOWERS - moon drop seeds- 300 G , Pink Cat Mink- 300 G, and Blue Mist seeds- 500 G. (water the BM see everyday and it'll bloom and Popuri will like you more and you'll get a picture.)

Marbles - Buy some flower seeds and plant a Moon Drop Flower and a Pink Cat Flower. Stu (kid with black hair) will come to your ranch and tell you to plant more. Plant four more of each and he'll trade you some marbles for some flowers. Give them to the elves and you'll get a power berry.

BOOK- The Artisan will give you a book in year three. Give it to our woman.

FREE WINE - get the bottle at a festival and go to Karen's vineyard and in the cellar. Use the bottle on the wine holder thingy and you'll get free wine. Keep doing this to raise your alcohol stanima. Karen likes you more if you can drink more.

TELEPORTER - Bring Rick some rare metals and a year later, he'll come to our ranh and want to test his new transporter. He'll test it on a tomato and it'll freeze. He'll say, "Well' what do you know, a failure." and he'll run away. *RUMOR* has it that if you give him enough rare metals he'll fix it but I'm no sure.

SECOND ALBUM - If you complete all the pictures in th first, you'll get a newone that you can fill up with all your friends.
  Soooo Many....
PUPPIES- If you leave your dog with Taro(the potion shop dealer's dog), a year later, you'll have puppies. I don't think you can keep them.

*GLITCH* - Take your dog to the bathroom. Put him by the door. Whistle for him to come, then open the door. He will walk with you. The door will close and you will pee. When you walk out, he'll be at the to off the screen.

*GLITCH* - If you bring your baby with you into the bath, then when you come out, then your hands will be empty , but if you press Z, then you'll see the babies name. Press START and you'll see him again.

*GLITCH* - Put your baby outside the mine. Go into the mine and when you go in the right- hand corner of the screen, you'll see him crawling up there. ***** This gitch was figured out by me !!! Dave, and for all you info stealing freaks (you know who you are) Gimme credit for this 'cuz im VICTORIOUS!!

Flower Vestival
You find out who the next flower queen is...... and GO DANCING

Too much booze at your local pub.. don't end up like this kids.......

This is the local bar. This is a place for relaxing, but don't drink too much...- Bar Owner